Ebook Designing next generation web projects with CSS3

This book tries to present you with a snapshot of what can be done today with this technology. It is organized into 10 projects, each of them relying heavily on some of the new CSS features such as background gradients, Flexible Box Layout, or CSS filters.All the projects have been developed and tested to work on the latest Chrome and Firefox browsers. The vast majority of them render and behave well even on Internet Explorer 10.Wherever possible, a work around to make things work even on older browsers is provided. In this way, different techniques and tools are introduced, such as feature detection with Modernizr, graceful degradation, fall back properties triggered with conditional comments, and a bunch of quality polyfill libraries.The book also focuses on different kinds of tools, that are aimed at helping us while developing rather complex CSS documents. I'm talking about Sass and Compass, which provide us with a new syntax to better organize our project, and a bunch of useful functions that we'll see later in this book.