• Software design: Lecture 5 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 5 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 5. The main topics covered in this chapter include: introduction to software design; software design in a nutshell; importance of software design; software design activities; architectural design; preliminary design;...

     17 p stu 27/02/2024 14 0

  • Software design: Lecture 6 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 6 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 6. The main topics covered in this chapter include: software design components; traditional approach, programmers approach, system architect approach; decomposition rules; layers rule;...

     21 p stu 27/02/2024 11 0

  • Software design: Lecture 7 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 7 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 7. The main topics covered in this chapter include: tree-structures; possible solution - subsystem based; possible solution - layer based; another definition of information hiding; module's interface specification; database management system;...

     15 p stu 27/02/2024 10 0

  • Software design: Lecture 12 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 12 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 12. The main topics covered in this chapter include: software design components; open/close principle; object-oriented drawing application; polymorphism; types of polymorphism; runtime polymorphism;...

     31 p stu 27/02/2024 9 0

  • Software design: Lecture 9 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 9 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 9. The main topics covered in this chapter include: software design components; range of coupling; common coupling – high coupling; lack of clear responsibility for the data; reduces readability; reduces ability to control data accesses;...

     37 p stu 27/02/2024 9 0

  • Software design: Lecture 10 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 10 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 10. The main topics covered in this chapter include: software design components; coincidental cohesion – lowest cohesion; module with multiple argument; logical cohesion; temporal cohesion; procedural cohesion;...

     19 p stu 27/02/2024 13 0

  • Software design: Lecture 17 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 17 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 17. The main topics covered in this chapter include: relationships between classes; represent cardinality of the class in relationship to another class; bi-directional association example; association - multiplicity; uni-directional association;...

     12 p stu 27/02/2024 11 0

  • Software design: Lecture 13 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 13 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 13. The main topics covered in this chapter include: software design components; compile time polymorphism; runtime polymorphism; behavior commonality i-e area calculation but implementation is different;...

     14 p stu 27/02/2024 10 0

  • Software design: Lecture 25 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 25 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 25. The main topics covered in this chapter include: object creation; object creation order entry example; object destruction; object destruction order entry example; guards in sequence diagram; conditional message sequence diagram;...

     19 p stu 27/02/2024 13 0

  • Software design: Lecture 14 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 14 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 14. The main topics covered in this chapter include: Open/Close principle; the interface of the module becomes an abstract class A; if needed new Subclasses of A can be derived; these subclasses may extend A; unified modelling language (UML);...

     12 p stu 27/02/2024 8 0

  • Software design: Lecture 15 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 15 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 15. The main topics covered in this chapter include: unified modelling language (UML); categories of UML diagrams; use case diagram; roles in use case; UML use case relationship symbols; include relationship; alternative flows;...

     20 p stu 27/02/2024 9 0

  • Software design: Lecture 16 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 16 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 16. The main topics covered in this chapter include: problem statement; possible solution; UML class diagram; generic structure of class; visibility of variables; the class diagram is the main building block in object oriented modelling;...

     15 p stu 27/02/2024 8 0

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