• Software design: Lecture 39 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 39 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 39. The main topics covered in this chapter include: behavioral patterns; category of patterns are concerned with algorithms and assignments of responsibilities between objects; describe not just patterns of objects or classes but also the pattern of communication between them;...

     25 p stu 27/02/2024 12 0

  • Software design: Lecture 41 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 41 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 41. The main topics covered in this chapter include: template design pattern or pattern design pattern; software processes and templates; requirement specification template; functional specfication template; design document template; audit documents;...

     25 p stu 27/02/2024 15 0

  • Software design: Lecture 35 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 35 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 35. The main topics covered in this chapter include: façade design pattern; scenario – building a movie theatre; classes in building home theatre; simplified class diagram; client access without facade; class diagram of facade;...

     53 p stu 27/02/2024 8 0

  • Software design: Lecture 40 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 40 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 40. The main topics covered in this chapter include: observer design pattern or publish and subscribe; motivation for observer design pattern; one data multiple representations; newspaper subscription example; case for observer design pattern;...

     30 p stu 27/02/2024 8 0

  • Software design: Lecture 29 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 29 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 29. The main topics covered in this chapter include: defination of factory method; factory method pattern; factory design pattern may make your program complex; be sure that it is required as context is critical;...

     18 p stu 27/02/2024 8 0

  • Software design: Lecture 30 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 30 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 30. The main topics covered in this chapter include: categories of design patterns; singleton design pattern; application of singleton; possible implementations; definition of singleton design pattern; class diagram; singleton in multithreaded environment;...

     20 p stu 27/02/2024 8 0

  • Software design: Lecture 34 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 34 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 34. The main topics covered in this chapter include: structural design patterns; adapter or wrapper design pattern; laptop power supply to AC power supply Example; reasons for incompatibility; adapter pattern defined; issues in adapter design pattern;...

     27 p stu 27/02/2024 8 0

  • Software design: Lecture 31 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 31 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 31. The main topics covered in this chapter include: problem statement of singleton example; problem with the code; while one object is calling the boiling method other object has called the fill method;...

     15 p stu 27/02/2024 8 0

  • Software design: Lecture 33 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 33 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 33. The main topics covered in this chapter include: builder design pattern; motivation for builder design pattern; intent of builder design pattern; builder pattern; class diagram; sequence diagram; solution in builder design pattern;...

     28 p stu 27/02/2024 8 0

  • Software design: Lecture 37 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 37 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 37. The main topics covered in this chapter include: flyweight design pattern; motivation for flyweight design pattern; intrinsic information - shareable; extrinsic information – not shareable; heavyweight object nightmare;...

     30 p stu 27/02/2024 8 0

  • Software design: Lecture 44 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 44 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 44. The main topics covered in this chapter include: architectural design patterns; interactive systems; interactive architectural patterns; model-view-controller pattern (MVC); presentation-abstraction-control pattern (PAC); mapping of MVC with Java;...

     30 p stu 27/02/2024 9 0

  • Software design: Lecture 36 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design: Lecture 36 - Sheraz Pervaiz

    Software design - Lecture 36. The main topics covered in this chapter include: composite design pattern; motivation for composite design pattern; intend of composite design pattern; discussion on whole-part relation; tree structure revisited; composite pattern defined;...

     27 p stu 27/02/2024 7 0

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